"I do believe my redheadedness plays a huge part in who I am. If I were a blonde or brunette, I would be an entirely different person."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A busy weekend...

 Warning: This post contains A LOT of pictures.
The weekend was a busy one for my family and I. 
I went home to bountiful Thursday night to help my parents move into the new house.
New house.
I can hardly believed that my family moved.
23 years in the same house for my parents.
My whole life for me.
It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate.
We spent ALL day packing on Friday.
I was pooped by the time I rolled into bed at about 1am, and was so not ready for that alarm to go off the next morning at 730am. 
We had SOO much stuff I had no idea how we were going to get it up to the new house.
But lucky for us, we were blessed with great friends in our old ward.
We probably had a good 15-20 people show up to help us.
It was such a humbling moment as I turned and looked at the many people so willing to help us.
I might have teared up a little bit, but don't tell anyone.
Maybe they were just anxious to get us out of the ward, haha.
But nonetheless I can't express my gratitude for all those who took time out of their Saturday to help us with our move. 
And it only took TWO hours to move all of our crap! 
I couldn't believe it! 
The rest of the day we tried to unpack as much as we could. 
The kitchen got unpacked first.
And my aunt and I organized the cupboard.
Looked pretty good if I do say so myself.









Later Saturday night I got to go the wedding of one my favorite people that I work with.
Her and her now husband Boris had been dating for 3.5 years and had been engaged for 7 months.
Yes, WOW!
She had a bunch of bumps in the road getting this wedding ready, but luckily everything turned out beautifully.
All the girls I work with, including my two bosses (who just happen to be my uncles) were able to all attend the wedding.
I can't really express how much I love the girls I work with.
They are a little crazy, and very different from me.
However, there is NEVER a dull moment with them. 
Congratulations Roya and Boris!



My beautiful aunt and I. She is so funny! I love spending time with her.
We are walking proof that you don't need alcohol to have fun!



                    Yes those are belly dancers!

My uncle and I. One of my favorite people.


Cami left-mom of the kids I babysit.

And then yesterday morning, I spent Sunday night in Bountiful, I woke up early and drove to work. Well about half way there I hit something and my car starts shaking really bad. 
So I pull over on the freeway, get out of my car and my tire is just totally flat. 
I think I ran over some sort of big metal hook and it tore a nice whole in the tire.
So I go to call my dad to see if I should just call AAA, and as I go to grab my phone some guy in a truck pulls over.
I have this curse where I have this terrible luck with cars, so I've had these experiences a lot.
Drives my dad nuts.
And it always makes me just a little bit wary when some stranger pulls over to help, you never know who you can trust these days.
Anywho, the guy gets out of his car. 
Asks if I have a spare, and begins to change my tire for me.
Then of course, my spare is flat, but lucky for me Mr. Stranger had something to put air into it.
He finished up, said bye, and got into his truck and drove away.
I don't know anything about the guy except for that he is an EMT for the Lehi Fire department, he lives in American Fork, and he was my good Samaritan for the day.
I was so grateful for him.


The tire looked a lot worse when it was still attached to my car.

The weekend left me thinking about so many things I'm grateful for and really all I have been blessed with. I just want to give a shout out to all that helped us move, it was incredible to see how many people cared. Going to Roya's wedding was fun, different than the typical "mormon wedding" I'm used to, but fun to experience other people's cultures and ways of doing things. The girls I work with are crazy, but I love them and am so blessed to work with people that I love. And for the guy that helped me yesterday morning, for some reason it has really stuck with me. The guy had just gotten off a 24 hour shift and was going to pick up some sort of vacuum and I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was stop and help some dumb girl that doesn't know how to change her own tire. (I really am determined to learn).
But he did and his kindness has stuck with me. 
The Lord truly is aware of us.

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