"I do believe my redheadedness plays a huge part in who I am. If I were a blonde or brunette, I would be an entirely different person."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love the Life You Live

Sunday night there was a CES fireside by Dallin H. Oaks and his sweet wife also spoke.
I was able to attend it at the Marriott Center up on BYU campus.
Elder Oaks gave a good thought, but what has really stuck with me are the comments his wife made.
She stood up first and didn't talk for very long, but some of the things she said have stuck with me.
She talked about loving your life while you're single and that we should worry less about getting married and more about becoming a disciple of Christ. 
From what I can gather, I don't think she had been married before she married Elder Oaks a couple years back. 
She said that in a blessing she received one time it was said,
"If you cannot bear the difficulties of single life you will never be able to bear the difficulties of married life."
That really kind of hit a chord with me.
If you know me at all you know that I HATE being single, hate it.
I've never loved it, ever.
I don't know why. 
I guess it has partly to do with the fact that I am a die hard romantic through and through.
It's kinda bad.
But I just seriously really don't enjoy being single.
So this fireside, more specifically Sister Oaks comments, made an impression on me.
So, I guess thats my new goal.
Love the life I live.
On Monday, oh that was yesterday, Yesterday :) I was walking back to my apartment and I was just kinda hit with the realization that I really do love my life.
I was just happy. 
My heart felt light, and I was just thinking about the many things in my life that I have to be grateful for.
And trust me, I have A LOT to be grateful for. 
Sometimes I have the tendency to be a negative Nancy. 
I look at the bad in my life, and focus on the things I don't have.
But lets be realistic here for a moment, I am seriously so incredibly blessed that if I think too hard about it I'll probably start crying.
And that would be embarrassing, considering that I am sitting on BYU's campus right now attempting to study. :)
But in all seriousness, I just can't get her comments out of my head.
I just feel this almost urgency to change my attitude.
Don't get me wrong, I still don't necessary like being single.
But I do see that I have many things in my life that I should find joy in and that its important for me to focus more on becoming the best disciple of Christ I can be.
To name a few joys in my life....the gospel, my roommates, my best friends, my family, school, the girls I work with, and all the little things that make up my days.
Even yesterday I enjoyed taking the bus home.
Weirdest thing ever.
Things like living with a bunch of girls, going to school, talking to my mom on the phone 5 times a day, laughing with my roommates, being in a singles ward, taking the bus, working with a bunch of women older than me, meeting new people, trying new recipes, taking lots of pictures, the rain.
I don't know.
Am I even making sense?
I guess what I'm saying is that being single is only a small part of my life, there are so many other things that attribute to who and what I am.
I have a choice before me.
I can choose to embrace the fact that I am single and find joy in the MILLION other things in my life, serve others.
Or I can focus on the fact that I'm single, I hate it, and have it consume my thoughts obsessively.
Yes, obsessively.
We've talked about my OCD before, right?
Anyways, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
They've been weighing heavily on my mind and I needed to unload and take a break from studying.
Love the life you live!
Until next time....


  1. Way to go Whit ... you have finally figured it out! Love the life you live. Your Grandma Toni would be so pleased.

  2. You are a doll Whit. I seriously love you! Keep the posts coming, they brighten my days so much :) Love, Jen
